Cross Fence from Virtually Anywhere with Virtual Fencing

Ranchers can cut fencing costs by not buying fencing supplies, and by more precisely and strategically managing the grazing of cattle.

With the cattle industry in a more volatile state, ranchers are looking for ways to cut costs and increase efficiencies to maintain a profitable and environmentally conscious cow-calf operation. Cross fencing is a method that ranchers have used for years to help achieve this. Now, they’re examining how technology can be added to increase the efficiency and profitability of their operation.

What is Virtual Fencing

Virtual fencing is a technology that allows ranchers to remotely move and confine cattle without fixed fences. Cattle are outfitted with a collar that uses a Global Positioning Systems (GPS) device to communicate with cellular towers. Ranchers use GPS coordinates to draw out individual pastures on the virtual fence collar software. It is through an alarm sound and a stimulation received from the collar that cattle stay within the virtual boundaries.

What is Cross Fencing

Cross fences are built inside of larger fencing boundaries. They divide large areas that have a boundary of a permanent fence into smaller pastures, or paddocks. In grazing areas, cross fencing can prevent overgrazing and uneven grazing. Ranchers may also use this strategic fencing method to separate livestock by age, gender, breeding cycle status, and more to ensure healthier cattle.

How Virtual Fencing Helps Cross Fence

Virtual fencing is an effective way to cross fence to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Ranchers can create new cross fences from virtually anywhere with access to a phone, tablet, or computer. In addition, Corral Technologies’ virtual fencing collars are equipped with both the remote containment feature and movement feature. This means when new cross fences are created, ranchers can use the dual-sided collar device to sound an alarm or stimulation on either side of the cattle’s neck to remotely move them.

Benefits of Cross Fencing with Virtual Fencing

The utilization of cross fencing for virtual fencing allows grazing systems to have improved forage quality and longer grazing seasons. Precision management through cross fencing can prevent soil erosion from overgrazing and create better soil and water quality because of such. During rigorous movement periods, cross fencing and labor costs can be lowered. Depending on the terrain that the cattle are in, it can be difficult to implement physical fence into these areas. With the use of virtual fencing, more areas are suitable for grazing.

In conclusion, the utilization of virtual fencing for cross fencing saves time, labor and money. Less time and labor are needed to move cattle as ranchers can draw out the new boundary on their phone, computer, or tablet. Ranchers can cut fencing costs by not buying fencing supplies, and by more precisely and strategically managing the grazing of cattle.

Implement cross fencing onto your operation with Corral Technologies’ virtual fencing technology by Ordering Today.

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